Connections and Resources
You’re not alone!

It is important to remember that, as an early childhood educator and business owner, you are not on a solo journey! In addition to the support of WBDC’s team, you can lean on other resources in your community to strengthen your program and establish a reliable network.
Use these free resources to connect with women who inspire you while getting the education and information to help you provide quality early childhood experiences and run a successful business at the same time.
WBDC’s Child Care Business Newsletter provides information about upcoming programs and services for your business, including but not limited to webinars, events, and grant opportunities! We also share the latest legislative updates that affect your business, and opportunities that will benefit you. Subscribe here.
ECE List Serve is maintained by the CT Association of Human Services (CAHS). Once you are on the list, you will receive OEC updates, early childhood news, and updates on relevant legislation via email. To sign up, follow the link below and click Subscribe on the left side of the screen. Subscribe here.
WBDC Networking Events offer opportunities to gather with other business owners, in and out of the child care community. These gatherings are a great time to make connections, share ideas and ask questions of fellow entrepreneurs. Some events are intended specifically for child care business owners while others are open to a broader community of entrepreneurs across all industries. Learn more here.
Staffed Family Child Care Networks (SFCCNs) offer licensed Family Home Child Care providers opportunities to develop long term professional relationships and peer to peer support. They also offer connections to nurse and behavioral health consultants. If you are not yet licensed by OEC, your local Network can guide you through the family home licensing process. Learn more by visiting the SFCCN Hub website.
CT Child Care Association Facebook Group allows you to keep in touch with other CT early childhood educators to share resources, and learn about opportunities to buy/sell equipment and furniture for your program. You can join here.
Elevate is the OEC’s quality improvement system for licensed and license-exempt child care programs in family, group, and center-based settings. Through Elevate, you can connect with a Service Navigator, a guide who can talk to you about your program’s needs and connect you to resources that can help. Learn more here.
ctSHARES is a place for you to find and post child care jobs in Connecticut! This is a free tool for both job seekers and employers who are looking to hire talented early childhood program staff and support personnel. Learn more here.
OEC’s Early Childhood Professional Registry is a workforce resource for all early childhood settings. Use the registry to access early childhood administration training, track your career progress, find out about OEC scholarships, and discover other supports and resources. Learn more here.
Accreditation Quality Improvement Support (AQIS) is staffed by facilitators that provide quality improvement support for licensed child care centers, group homes, and license-exempt child care programs. Through study groups, professional development activities, and individual coaching (limited availability), you can strengthen your educational best practices! AQIS is available to all providers interested in quality improvement, even if you are not actively pursuing or maintaining NAEYC Accreditation. Learn more here.
211 Child Care Provider Portal is available to all child care providers, and makes it easy for you to make program information updates and report available openings, which can help you promote your program. Access the portal here.
When you sign up for ctSHARES (It’s free!), you receive access to exclusive cost savings programs with vendors such as Lakeshore Learning and many more. You’ll also have access to templates that you can use to help manage your business, like attendance sheets, payment policies, cell phone policies, family handbook, and more. Learn more here.
Business insurance can help manage costs if your program and property is impacted by storm/fire damage, or someone gets injured at your site. We’ve created tip sheets to help you learn more about your business insurance options. Tips sheets are available for Family Home Providers (English and Spanish) and for Centers (English and Spanish). If you want to learn more, have a free, online meeting with a WBDC Business Advisor to get more guidance – email us here ( or call (203) 353-1750 x113. Assistance available in English and Spanish.