Fundamentos financieros: Puntajes de crédito 101 (en español)

Puntuaciones crediticias: cómo afecta esto a su planificación financiera Únase a la asesora comercial de WBDC, Pat Posada Klapper, mientras exploramos los puntajes de crédito personales y los pasos que puede seguir para poner sus finanzas en orden. Ya sea que esté iniciando un negocio o ya esté operando uno, esta sesión lo ayudará a […]

Credit Score 101 (eLearning)

Whether you’re starting a business or already operating one, this session will help you understand the effects of personal finances on business finances, and give you practical tips for improving your credit score. Join WBDC’s Business Advisor, Samantha Cross, as she explains personal credit scores and the steps you can take to get your financial […]

Money Tips to Help Women Thrive (eLearning)

The “M” word doesn’t have to raise fears every time you hear it. While you may feel you have a good grasp on the basics, more refined skills are helpful in learning to build a secure financial future. Join us for an interactive discussionand leave with an action plan that will help guide your financial […]

Opciones de planes de retiro para propietarios únicos (eLearning en español)

“Trabajar porque quiero y no porque tenga que hacerlo” es una de las razones más comunes por las cuales un emprendedor comienza su propio negocio. Un empresario identifica una oportunidad de negocio que generará ingresos ahora y tiene el potencial de generar ingresos en la jubilación. Pero a medida que comienza el esfuerzo comercial, las […]

Retirement Plan Options for Sole Proprietors and Family Home Providers (eLearning)

“To work because I want to and not because I have to” is one of the most common reasons why an entrepreneur starts its own business. An entrepreneur identifies a business opportunity that will generate income now and has the potential to generate income in retirement. But as the business endeavor begins, the day-to-day activities […]

Intro to Personal Finance: Part 1 Your Relationship with Money (eLearning)

Financial Foundations: Intro to Personal Finance-WBDC is pleased to have personal financial expert Lisa Micalizzi, from Wells Fargo Bank discuss important topics about how to make your financial future secure. Session 1– Your relationship with Money-Budgeting Examine how your thinking about money affects your relationship with money. Learn to set a budget that works for […]

Intro to Personal Finance: Part 2 Budgeting Credit Scores & Debt (eLearning)

Financial Foundations: Intro to Personal Finance-WBDC is pleased to have personal financial expert Lisa Micalizzi, from Wells Fargo Bank discuss important topics about how to make your financial future secure. Session 1– Your relationship with Money-Budgeting Examine how your thinking about money affects your relationship with money. Learn to set a budget that works for […]

Credit Score 101 (eLearning)

Join WBDC’s personal finance expert, Samantha Cross, as we explore personal credit scores and the steps you can take to get your financial house in order. Whether you’re starting a business or already operating one, this session will help you understand the effects of personal finances on business finances, and give you practical tips for […]

Credit Scores – How this Impacts your Financial Planning (eLearning)

Join WBDC’s Business Advisor, Samantha Cross, as we explore personal credit scores and the steps you can take to get your financial house in order. Whether you’re starting a business or already operating one, this session will help you understand the effects of personal finances on business finances and give you practical tips for improving […]

Intro a las finanzas personales 1 de 3 partes (eLearning en Español)

Fundamentos financieros: Introducción a las finanzas personales (curso de 3 partes) Parte 1: Presupuesto 101 Tu relación con el dinero, el presupuesto Examine cómo lo que piensa sobre el dinero afecta su relación con el dinero. ¡Aprenda a establecer un presupuesto que funcione para usted! En esta grabación, Monica Martinez Hess repasa la importancia de […]