Child Care: Ventajas de un Sistema de Gestión para el Cuidado Infantil (eLearning)
Un sistema de gestion para los negocios cuidado infantil ayuda a los proveedores a implementar prácticas comerciales, respaldando operaciones eficientes, elaboración de presupuestos, cobro de tarifas, informes financieros y comunicación con los padres. Únase al Asesor de Negocios, Zayed Rodriguez del WBDC para obtener una introducción a este software. Descubra cómo puede ayudarle a ahorrar […]
What every small business owner should know: Department of Revenue Services – 2 Part Overview
Trying to navigate the Department of Revenue Services(DRS)website can be difficult for many.In this 2 part overview, you’ll receive a tour of myconneCT,find out what you need to know as a small business owner, and receive information you need on filing sales tax. Join WBDC Business Advisor Sherry Konwerski and Richard Carter, Revenue Examiner from […]
Realistic Goal Setting for Business Growth (eLearning)
Setting the right goals and executing them can get you on track and ignite your business growth. Seems simple, but why is it so hard? In this class, you’ll learn the tools and strategies you need to stop running in a million different directions and focus on the work that drives your business forward. Join […]
Ready To Grow: Getting Your Business To the Next Level
This class is designed for established businesses that are AT LEAST 2 years old. You’ve been running a business for a while now. You’re profitable, but you feel like your capacity is maxed out. You need a new strategy to take your business to the next level. Join WBDC’s Carol Cheswick to learn how to […]
Business Essentials: Networking 101
Networking 101: Giving you the proven tools and strategies to beat social overwhelm and make in-person conversation and connection like a superstar! In this training we’ll cover how to prepare for a networking event, who to talk to and how, as well as what to do afterwards. Instructor Bio: Ashley Langer is a natural born […]
Networking 101 (eLearning)
Networking 101: Giving you the proven tools and strategies to beat social overwhelm and make in-person conversation and connection like a superstar! In this training we’ll cover how to prepare for a networking event, who to talk to and how, as well as what to do afterwards. Run time: 47 minutes eLearning:This session is part […]
Why It Still Feels So Hard (eLearning)
Your business is healthy, but there’s still not enough time in the day to get everything done. Does it feel like areas of your business are suffering? Join Operations and Risk Management Consultant, Meredith Messenger, who will show you how to pinpoint and fix the issue, allowing you to build a business with staying power. […]
Who’s On Your B.A.I.L Team? (eLearning)
As a small business owner, who are you going to call on when you need help? Join us for a round table discussion about building your B.A.I.L. team and why you need to have aBanker,Accounting,Insurance, andLegal team to help support you. Moderated by WBDC Business Advisor, Sherry Konwerski, the panel will feature Alexis Kahn of […]
Top Ten Trademark Considerations for Your Business (eLearning)
Are you a brand owner wondering how to select, clear, register, and enforce your trademark and domain name? This discussion with Attorney Nancy Kennedy covers the differences between Trademark, Registered, and Copyright while protecting your brand online and in the “real world” to minimize the chance of a legal dispute and tarnishment of your brand. […]
SMART Tips in Setting Business Goals (eLearning)
Vague or general goals often don’t get done, even if they’re great ideas. Turn vague goals into actionable ones by making them SMART. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Join Kenyetta Banks, Central Region Program Manager for WBDC as shewill help fine-tune your strategy, ensuring the goals are […]