Monetize Your Passion (eLearning)
WBDC invites you to dedicate time to refine your ideas for side projects and passions, explore how to monetize these ventures, and grow passion to profit and professional aims. This program will cover business concept elements, revenue modeling, and tools to help with moving a concept to company. Run time: 25 minutes eLearning:This session is […]
SBA – 10 Steps to Keeping Your Resolution to Start a Business (eLearning)
Did you make a New Year’s resolution to finally start your business in 2022? But, you’re not sure where to start? Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities.Join WBDC and the SBA as we discuss how to get your business started in 10 Steps. Let us […]
SBA – Turn Your Hobby Into A Business (eLearning)
Have you ever thought about turning your hobby into a business, but have come up with all the reasons why it wouldn’t work? With a little business education, the question, instead, becomes, whywouldn’tit work?Join WBDC and the SBA to learn how you CAN turn a hobby you love into a business. Run time: – 57 […]
Iniciar un centro de cuidado infantil: Lo que necesita saber (eLearning en español)
¿Estás pensando en crecer desde una casa familiar a un centro? ¿O ha abierto recientemente un centro? Únase a WBDC Business Advisor y experta en la primera infancia, Linda Fecteau, para aprender sobre artículos importantes a considerar antes de dar el salto para expandirse. Obtenga consejos prácticos sobre presupuestar, ensamblar su equipo de la primera […]