Financial Foundations: QuickBooks Online Office Hour
Do you have a question about Quickbooks? Join Sherry Konwerski, Business Advisor and QuickBooks Pro to get your questionsanswered and discover simple techniques to manage your business finances.
Financial Foundations: QuickBooks Online Office Hour
Do you have a question about Quickbooks Online? Join Tanya Kelley, Access to Capital Business Advisor to get your questionsanswered and discover simple techniques to manage your business finances.
Financial Foundations: Office Hour: Questions about W-2’s and 1099’s
If you work with independent contractors or freelancers, you may be required to submit 1099s for to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Revenue Services by January 31. The 1099 form is used to report income that is paid by your company for services performed by a person or business who is not […]
Financial Foundations: QuickBooks Online Office Hour
Do you have a question about Quickbooks? Join Tanya Kelley, Access to Capital Business Advisor and QuickBooks Pro to get your questionsanswered and discover simple techniques to manage your business finances.
Financial Foundations:1099 Facts – Who, What, When and How to do them
Do you work with independent contactors or freelancers? If so, you may be required to submit 1099s for to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Revenue Services by January 31.The 1099 form is used to report income that is paid by your company for services performed by a person or business who is […]
Financial Foundations: Office Hour: Questions about W-2’s and 1099’s
If you work with independent contractors or freelancers, you may be required to submit 1099s for to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Revenue Services by January 31. The 1099 form is used to report income that is paid by your company for services performed by a person or business who is not […]
Financial Foundations: Introduction to QuickBooks Online
Join Sherry Konwerski, WBDC Business Advisor and QuickBooks Pro Advisor, for a general overview of QuickBooks Online. Learn the basic features and functionality of this tool and determine if it is the best solution for your needs. This class is recommended for those who aren’t familiar with bookkeeping or accounting
Financial Foundations: QuickBooks Online – 3 Part Series
Join Sherry Konwerski, WBDC Business Advisor and CertifiedQuickBooksPro Advisor, for a3-parthands-oncourse to learn how to manage your business finances withQuickBooks. In thisseries, you’ll learn a broad range of bookkeeping functions, from setting upQuickBooks, to handling money in/money out, banking, payroll, and much more. If you’ve decided to useQuickbooksOnlineto manage your business finances but need help […]
Conceptos básicos del negocio de cuidado infantil: Cómo garantizar que le paguen (eLearning)
Hablar con los padres sobre dinero puede resultar muy estresante. Por eso es importante tener buenas políticas de pago y formas efectivas de comunicarlas. Durante esta sesión, discutiremos la redacción de políticas de pago que aumentarán su flujo de caja, mejorarán su capacidad de presupuestar y le permitirán pagarse a sí mismo con regularidad. Run […]
Money Matters Part 1 (eLearning en español)
¿Alguna vez se preguntó a dónde “va” su dinero (ingresos comerciales) o cómo hacer que funcione para usted y su negocio? Únase a la asesor comercial, Zayed Rodriguez, en esta serie de 3 partes donde analiza los principios fundamentales para ayudar a mejorar la salud financiera de su empresa. ¡Los temas incluirán los principios fundamentales […]