Volunteer! It’s good for business

Partner with WBDC and help CT women entrepreneurs realize their dreams.

Here's how you can help:

Become a Mentor

Use your expertise to mentor one-on-one, small groups, or in class courses with multiple students.

Advise WBDC Clients

Apply your knowledge in helping
WBDC clients grow and improve their businesses.

Teach Women in Business

Teach a class for WBDC clients in
your area of expertise across all areas
of business.


Use your expertise to help a business owner with a specific need.

Guide a group of entrepreneurs through improving one area of their business. Peer support provided.


Work with clients in one of WBDC’s multi-session business planning courses. In a round-robin format, business advisors hear a brief business description from each of the class participants. Advisors ask probing questions, and help hone the business concept.


Teach a class for WBDC clients in your area of expertise. Topics can span the business development continuum.