Gov. Ned Lamont and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz are linking abortion rights with economic development, issuing an invitation Friday to businesses to leave states with restrictive policies and move to Connecticut where access to abortion has been law for 32 years.

“We are writing to any business owner that is disappointed in the stance of their current state. If you are looking to relocate to a state that supports the rights of women and whose actions and laws are unwavering in support of tolerance and inclusivity, Connecticut is for you,” they said.

Fran Pastore, founder and chief executive officer of the Women’s Business Development Council, which advocates for entrepreneurship for women, praised Lamont’s outreach to out-of-state businesses.

“I think it’s a bold act from an activist governor who is a social activist and a fiscal conservative,” she said.

In addition, Pastore said, abortion is an economic issue and the lack of access to the procedure will particularly affect poor women and communities of color.


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