The U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade last week ended the constitutional right to abortion, handing the regulation of reproductive rights to the states. In Connecticut, which has some of the nation’s strongest abortion protections — and a former businessman at the helm — those rights have quickly become a recruiting tool.

On Friday, just a week after the Supreme Court’s decision came out, Gov. Ned Lamont and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz published an open letter, addressed, “Dear business owners,” with a timely reminder of where Connecticut stands on reproductive health.

“We are writing to any business owner that is disappointed in the stance of their current state,” the letter reads. “If you are looking to relocate to a state that supports the rights of women and whose actions and laws are unwavering in support of tolerance and inclusivity, Connecticut is for you.”

Fran Pastore, founder and chief executive of the Women’s Business Development Council in Stamford, said she has observed an influx of interest from female entrepreneurs looking for support to launch their businesses in Connecticut. Of roughly 1,000 applicants for a WBDC small business grant program this year, half were from outside the state, she said.


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