Fran Pastore — I am incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support I received following my opinion piece, “ Women’s Business Development Council a ‘trustworthy steward of taxpayer dollars.’” As the leader of a mission-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to education, entrepreneurship, and economic growth, I was immensely proud to know that colleagues and leaders around the state took the time to confirm the value WBDC brings to the people of our great state.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There were some who suggested I “missed the point.” Specifically, they suggest, the issue was not the value that WBDC would bring to the administration of the ARPA funds. Rather, the problem was the cost of this service — $200,000 — and that, in their view, the distribution of the funds was delayed. Respectfully, I think these folks are missing the point.


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