There’s really no other way to shorthand it — Gov. Ned Lamont is marketing Connecticut as a sanctuary state for abortion. In seizing landmark moments in history as business opportunities, governors reaffirm the essence of what their states represent. Connecticut’s shade of blue deepened when Roe v. Wade was overturned last month.

Lamont sticks to his reliable sleeves-rolled-up, “aw, shucks” demeanor in a video pitch to businesses. He starts by reaffirming that his state won’t yield on supporting the right to choice, “not as long as I’m governor.”

“So this may be a time for you to think about taking a look at Connecticut as a place to move your business.”

Peter Denious, chief executive of Advance CT, said a woman who owns a company in Ohio inquired about Connecticut with the declaration “we’re outta here.”

Fran Pastore, chief executive of the Women’s Business Development Council in Stamford, said female entrepreneurs are expressing interest in launching in Connecticut.


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